OK connards, je vais vous laisser une chance, on va jouer selon les règles du petit Bangkok... Personne ne tire ... tant que ca n'à pas touché le sol. - Escape From Los Angeles 2013
Arrête de me foutre ton barreau de chaise de contrebande sous le nez avant que je t'en fasse un suppositoire que t'allumeras par les naseaux. Le maître de guerre.
requiescat in pace - Assassin's creed
Virgil Brinckman back on the air - Abyss
War. War never changes – Fallout
I am infinity - Valhalla
Je sais qui est le meurtrier! - Castle
When I feel heavy-metal (Woo-hoo) And I'm pins and I'm needles (Woo-hoo) Well, I lie and I'm easy All the time but I'm never sure Why I need you Pleased to meet you - Blur Song2
Indiana... Nous ne faisons que passer à travers l'histoire. Ceci... Ceci est l'histoire... - les aventuriers de l'arche perdue
Une noisette, j'la casse entre mes fesses tu vois... - J.C. VanDamme
Thank you, naive human. Now, I can finish taking over the world! - day of the tentacle
Des fois, je me demande si je ne suis pas déjà morte et si ce que j'appelle "moi" n'est en fait qu'une personnalité artificielle faite d'un corps mécanique et d'un cyber-cerveau. Motoko (Ghost in the shell)
Now you're king of the mountain, but it's all garbage!- Kaneda (Akira)
Didn't know that you Would be jammin' until the break of dawn Bet you nobody ever told you that you Would be jammin' until the break of dawn - Stevie Wonder
So goodbye yellow brick road Where the dogs of society howl You can't plant me in your penthouse I'm going back to my plough - Elton John
Sailors fighting in the dance hall Oh man look at those cavemen go It's the freakiest show Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars? - David Bowie
Wake up, it’s time to die. - Blade Runner
Une fournée, deux fournées, piécettes et petite monnaie - The punisher
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5060188672241 Those Who Remain Deluxe Edition FR PS4
Those Who Remain Deluxe Edition FR PS4

17,99 €

Type : PS4
Catégorie : Aventure

Pages :

Wonder Boy Sega Game Gear
5510105486 Wonder Boy Sega Game Gear
Ze Inconnus Story L Integrale Des Spectacles 3Disk FR DVD
5099720204190 Ze Inconnus Story L Integrale Des Spectacles 3Disk FR DVD
Qui c'est qu'on appelle? - Ghostbusters
J'adore les rumeurs. Les faits sont parfois trompeurs alors que les rumeurs, vraies ou fausses, sont souvent révélatrices. - Inglourious Basterds
Welcome to the jungle We've got fun 'n' games We got everything you want Honey, we know the ames We are the people that can find Whatever you may need If you got the money, honey We got your disease - Guns n Roses
requiescat in pace - Assassin's creed
j'adore quand un plan se déroule sans accroc! - A-team
J'aime l'odeur du napalm au petit matin. Ca sent la victoire. - Apocalypse Now
I'm coming Right aways Silvia! - Kung-fu master (Spartan-x)
Regardez ce mec ... c'est mon frère nom de Dieu! - Backdraft
I know, you know, that I'm not telling the truth.I know, you know, they just don't have any proof.Embrace the deception, learn how to bend,Your worst inhibitions, tend to psych you out in the end. - Psych
Rien ne vaut le choux pour accompagner le choux. - Charlie et la chocolaterie
There's no easy way out There's no shortcut home There's no easy way out Givin' in can't be wrong -Robert Tepper
We are the seed of the new breed We'll succeed, our time has come We are the new These words are true Let the light of love shine through - East 17
Not bothered about religion Not bothered about belief In the house of love, everybody's free : East 17 House Of Love
They don't want to upset the apple cart And they don't want to cause any harm But if you don't like what they're going to do You better not stop them 'cause they're comin' through - The KLF
All aboard, all aboard, ooh Come on boy, do you wanna ride? - The KLF
Everywhere I go Every smile I see I know you are there Smilin back at me Dancin in moonlight I know you are free Cuz I can see your star Shinin down on me - Janet Jackson